Channels missing on nakia dbox 2 running sportster v 2.0

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Buddyf, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. Buddyf

    Buddyf Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Evening All,

    my girlfriend recently purchased a nokia dbo2 with sportster 2.0(im pretty sure its 2.0 anyway) all was working fine, but then yesterday all the channels (apart from rte1 and a few other rish channels are missing)

    all the channels are showing the programe info etc.. and theyre all showing up but when the channel is selected the screen stays black and blank?!?!?

    i have done a few system scans and its finds all the trasnponders and channels etc.. but nothing appears on screen when the channel is selected.

    apologies if thsi has already been answered, i did a seacrh but could not find a topic with this particulr issue.

    its in dublin by the way and running off ntl.

    thanks in advance
  2. bigdunc

    bigdunc Regular member

    May 9, 2007
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    Try switching it off at the wall
    If that dont work restart your cam
    Not to sure on sportster
    Think its blue button
    Sportater emu selection
    Lets know ..............Paul

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