Hi I'm pretty new to this forum, I have done a search and can not find a satisfactory answer to my problem. I have a 'The Box' which was working well unti recently. It now is not recieving certain channels and some of the channels it is recieving have a very poor reception while others are perfect. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch. Jock
Try a factory reset Menu > factory setting Pin > 0000 ok to Delete TURN THE B0X OFF AT THE BACK FOR ONE MINUTE THEN TURN BACK ON. English > installation Choose provider, n*l etc Auto Scan press ok channels found Exit Menu > 1570 Turn EMU on exit exit exit
Hi Noelyf I tried what you suggested but unfortunately it made no difference and now I have lost the RTE channels. Thanks anyway Anyone out there got any advice,getting desperate. Jock
This seems to be happening alot lately. Delete the channels that are poor, & do an autoscan jock. let us know how you get on.
yes i noticed same frozen picture,did a few factory resets and autoscans,and when all chs.found emu to on,dont forget to power off box after u factory reset to reboot box.
Thanks for the info lads. I have done as suggested and there is no improvement. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
Have the box T and also experainced loss of some channels recently. i deleted all the channels and did a rescan but again only got some of them. but then scanned each frequency individually eg. pick a channel and press the blue button on the remote and it got me more channels but i am still missing 3 SP3, UKgold & SM premier