hey guys i am having a problem, i cant seem to charge my vid ipod to full power, or nearly full power for that matter. I plug it in to the usb and it says "do not connect" And i see that there is charge going into the little battery in the top right. but it never finishes, in fact, when i look at it, it is barely under half charge. Then when i start to browse it, it will drop down into the red for a little bit. But either way, ive never gotten the "Fully Charged" message out of my ipod. what do i do??
Well, You probably have USB 1.0 or 1.1 wich dosent charge the iPod! You should go out and buy a Apple charger for $30, or put a USB 2.0 PCI card in you comp.
i have the same problem, but at first my ipod would charge in my computer no problem, and right now what happens is i plug it in i get the "do not disconnect" screen and in the top right it shows it charging, i left it on over night while it was dead and it didn't charge. I've tried a 'ac to usb' adpt but neither that or my cpu works for charging, i've bought different ac adpts and none worked, the only thing that seems to charge my ipod is my car charger.