I have been burning movies for backups with my burner I paid about 125 dollars for. Anyway a friend of mine bought a cheap burner on ebay for about 30 dollars. He has access to the movies before I do and he wants to start burning them for me. I am worried about the quality of the movies that he burns cause of the cheap drive. Is there a difference in cheap burning drives than a more expensive drive? Thank you
All new burners have droped in price what cost 125.00 can now be had for 50.00 go to Newegg.com and you will see how much a new burner will cost they are cheap
The price of burners has as much as halved in the last 12 months. I bought a Samsung drive ( which wasn't that good ) for £50 12 months ago , now you can get Pioneer drives for £23.99. It's probably when he bought it that counts.
It's not the price but the manufacturer and particular model. Also the quality of the media is a primary factor in burn quality. A good burner with excellent media = good quality burn. Quality media are Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Sony and Fuji.