Check this out, it maps where you are with your IP address. it works for me...i do not know if it works for all countrys..
it matches me router ip and its almost dead on to my location,30 miles off.. ddp why don't ye use 2000 it has the look and feel of 98se.. in fact i use 2000 as my main system,and its still supported,with all updates................. also 2000 supports more ram then the 512 that 98 supports..
i have dos on windows fact i can select it on win start 2000.. i use all three systems through a abc switch..98,2000 and xp as they have there own hd.
Being in Australia, it couldn't find meon a map, but came up with a few things that WERE correct, ouch, Cheers.
@ work it was over 800 miles off. Thought I was in Connecticut. @ home it had me within 10 MILES!!!!!
It was only off by 10 miles when I tried it. So that was pretty much dead on. There's always the option of using a proxy server.
Mine has me 2 blocks away from my other house .. used to have DSL there .. now I have broadband with a different co. across town ... go figure
Mine was like a block away from my current house. That's pretty scary knowing that people can know where you live just by your IP address.