hi everyone,I was wondering if with the dreaded error 16 the only way round it was a mod chip? or i have read about the unplugging of the dvd drive but im also new with the xbox.just wondering if someone could do a quick tut 1 to ? on how to get round this.My original thread read lost ms dashboard.thanks
OK so you were trying to softmod your xbox right??? Well does your xbox read any disk??? Can it read backups???
If it can read backups, then you can make an evox boot disk such that you can FTP your xbox to your PC. Here is the tutorial.......
hi ya, sorry for the delay got side tracked with another prob.The answer to your question,no it can't play any disk whatsoever ive tried a few.Ive only got up and running for ftp--ing.I havent clicked on your tut yet but i will.I have as well has the sick one got another xbox which is running fine.I was wondering if i could ftp off that one to transfer off broken one or am i running before i can walk.Thanks for the previous reply
hi, I have sent a previous thread in connection with error 16.It won't play any discs whatsoever so i can't get into any settings.Like i've mentioned i have another modded xbox that works fine.Someone has mentioned to me,if i open both xboxes unlock the good hard drive,Take out the messed up one. Insert the good one into the bad case lock it to that one.Then you can change the clock settings?.Apparently thats why you go from a error 13 to 16 cause it has been left off for a certain length of time??even though this as only been mentioned if anyone believes or knows this method works can you please send me a tut.many thanks
Yup. Thats what you have to do. Put your screwed up hard-drive to your mod-chipped xbox and then foramt all drives (although your savegames will go) and install M$ dash 5960 using the slayers evox auto installer. Then after that you can put it back to your unmodded xbox and softmod it again. If you want to retain your savegames, connect your screwed up HDD to your PC, make a backup of your savegames (TDATA and UDATA) and then put it to the mod-chipped xbox and do what I said above....... Well clock settings do not affect anything in your xbox. So it might have not screwed up anything. Here is the tutorial for hotswapping you unmodded xbox HDD to a mod-chipped xbox.