Choosing a computer subject to teach for 1 hour

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by decster32, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. decster32

    decster32 Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    I know this is not the typical type of question asked on this forum, i hope i'm not breaking the rules
    I have to teach two classes (half hour each) in the next two weeks and was hoping someone could give help me choose a subject that i can learn and teach to a group of adults (30 to 40 year old) who are on the same course as i am. Its an mcp computer course. The problem is that the learners i will be teaching are into their second year on this course and since im only in the first year i'd imagine they would know alot more than i would.
    I need to teach the same subject in both classes and would really like to know what i could learn in 2 weeks and teach without making a holy nuisance of myself. i can pick anything to teach once its about computers. I m petrified of this cause its well out of my comfort zone.
    Any ideas would be fantastic, thankyou if you read all this.
  2. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    A lot of them might have children, so you could do a class on safe surfing and parental controls, that sort of thing.
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Windows users?.. "here is the on button"..

    sorry :)

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