hi, i just reformetted my gateway 614ge desktop running xp home same that came with it...after installation while scrolling in a browser it is very choppy and erradic..same way when i drag pages on my desktop...it sounds like a graphics driver missing and in device manager it is showing a big yellow ? by ..video controller (vga compatable )...but i installed all the drivers from gateway and the ones listed wont install...(software error occured ) what do i need to do..
Gateways website is wrong its giving you Intel graphics drivers you want VIA drivers located here http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=1&CatID=1160&SubCatID=109
thanks for the info...i think your right ..however i downloaded the km800 and it didnt work.. im stuck at this point.
Did you use Version - 22.00.01j drivers or Version - 22.00.01v drivers it could be worth trying the other version. In my experience VIA are a bit pants like that.