I'm getting a laptop and want to know which video card to put in it. The choices are: ATI 9600 nVida GeForce Fx Go 5700 nVidaGeForce 4 440 Go I'm looking for something that can play games well first and foremost, but price is also a consideration. Apprecitate the input, MWH
The 5700 would be a better choice for laptops ... because - Both the 9600 and the 5700 are very close. People can pull benchmarks out of their ass this way or that way. THe cards are for all respects, even - In my personal opinion the 5700 is a superior card - For a laptop, you want drivers that work ... and work the way you want them to work and you cant afford to be messing around all the time coaxing them to work. nVidia's drivers are proven. They also have (as I have been recently shown by ATI owners), to have propery alternative display capability while ATI cards are slightly lacking in that department - If the prices are about even then go for the 5700
The MX cards have 24 of the 26 requirements for DirectX8 compatibility. If im not mistaken the MX ones have pixel shaders but no vertex shaders (along with something else). In either case, that's why i left it out