Cleaning the cache

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by pierrrre, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. pierrrre

    pierrrre Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Three (Silent Hill 2,4 and Legacy of Kain)of the six games I backedup for my modded xbox v1.6 either freeze at the beginning or just give me a black screen. I read in a few threads that cleaning the cache could maybe solve the issue. My problem is that nobody in those threads explain how to do this. I never FTPed my xbox to my PC. I use the Samsung KREON DVD-rom with XBC and Craxtion to back up my games.

    Does any body know where I could find info as to how to clean my XBOX cache? Can it be done through Slayer 2.7 Dashboard or do I have to FTP it?

  2. methix

    methix Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    Typically the cache you need to clear is stored on the E drive...E\CACHE. On my box other cache related info is also stored on the X,Y Z drives. My box is ndure softmodded box and don't know if these drives exist on every xbox.

    Slayers isn't actually a dash is it? I've never used it but was under the impression it's an installer. You've probably got evox. If so you can set it up so you can ftp. Look around here for a guide on FTPing your box.

    Or you could install a different dash, one with a file explorer, as an app and use that. XBMC,UnleashX, Avalunch are a few that I've used before and know that they have file explorers which would let you find your cache folder and delete them. You could also try backing up your saves to another spot, deleting them from the udata folders and the cache and see if the games will load.

    edit: here's a ftp guide
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2007
  3. pierrrre

    pierrrre Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Thanks methix

    You are right, Slayer is the installer and I have the evox dashboard installed. I will give it a shot with another dashboard tonight.

  4. pierrrre

    pierrrre Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    I installed UNLEASHX and used the explorer to navigate to the E: drive and delete the two 512 kb from the cache folder. It did not solve my problem. Thanks for your help anyway.
  5. methix

    methix Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    Okay try this. In unleash's gamesave manager find one of the saves from one of the games giving you trouble. Say you scroll down to Silent Hill 2 there is a bunch of info there about the game like how many saves you have and the size etc...under all that is a 8 digit number. Write it down or remember it.

    Go into the file explorer. Look on the E:\ drive for a folder called UDATA. Find the folder that matches the 8 digits you saw on the gamesave menu. Now copy that folder to some place else on the hard drive like say E:\Gamesaves Backup or something so you can find it easily. After you have copied the save to a different folder then go back to UDATA and delete the folder that you just copied or delete the games from the gamesave menu. Then clear the cache again and retry the game.

    Note in unleash's file explorer hitting the white button brings up a s submenu that lets you copy, delete, make new folder, and etc.
  6. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Sometimes this kind of thing is related to game region..

    there is a function in dash settings for "default, auto, or whatever" have a play.. GTA san andreas is one of the awkward ones.. 90% will play default, but this one needs auto.. Give it a go.

    Otherwise it's something to do with your backup method..

    Professional uploaders try to avoid craxtion for plain backups.. we can tell iso's made with it.. It's the glitching ya know.:lol:

    Big file shrink.. aka tomb raider and a couple of the maddens.. qwix, for all the rest cloneXb.

    I read reports on a few of the hardcore hacking places about the kreon firmware being a bit buggy with certain games too, but It shouldn't be any trouble with an old one like SH2.. Are you using decent quality disks?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2007
  7. pierrrre

    pierrrre Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Wow thanks guys

    I will give it a shot tonight Methix.

    Those games are not downloaded but straight backup. I used different methods and media to make them (I spents quite a bit of time trying before posting). First I tried to make them with XBC combined with Craxtion 4.0 on Maxwell DVD-R. Then I tried with XBC combined qith Qwix on Maxwell DVD-R. Then I tried one on DVD+R. Finally I went out, bought Verbatim DVD-R and tried again with XBC combined with Craxtion 4.0. None of them worked for me.

    Will try again tonight


  8. pierrrre

    pierrrre Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Well....No luck

    I did everything you mentionned, plus I played around with the settings but everything is the same. I still get a black screen at the get go with Legacy of Kain and Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill 4 still freeze right after I click "new game" (I can see the intro with this one).

    The next step I guess will be to FTP the box rip the game on my PC and burn it. It will take the Samsumg Kreon drive out of the equation.

    Thanks again for your help
  9. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

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