I have a 2001 sony vaio, I share this machine with my wife and my daughter,neither whom bother with the maintence of the machine. My daughter has an itunes account as well as one with limewire, I thought that they were both on the D drive of the machine, but was mistaken. the limewire account is on the C drive of the machine. My question is there a simple way to move all of those mp3's over to the D drive of the machine. I'm not to versed in the language of computers so please don't be too technical if possible. thanks for any responses.
Piece of cake actually! First, simply move the files to another folder of your choice. Copy and paste all of them to the new folder, and delete them from the original. Now, as far as iTunes and Limewire go, you can easily change the Shared Folders path to the new folder on the D drive. I don't know the exact way in iTunes, I don't use it..but I remember Limewire's as being Tools, Options, Sharing. Add the new folder and remove the old one.
thank you morph, I appreciate the help, I keep getting the low on disk drive space message. Will be glad not to see it again in the near future. I should also be able to defrag my machine which has been done in dog years!! Again much thanks!!!
If you right-click and move a file or group of files to where you want them to go(instead of left-clicking), then choose 'move', you won't have to go back and delete the files. It helps me keep track of what I have already delt with, no duplicates hanging around. Also, open two instances of the explorer window and resize them side by side. Navigate to where you want the files to go, create a folder there, open it. Now, in the other pane, navigate to where the files are that you want to move. Saves lots of time!