hi, i've been browsing this site for a while now and hope someone can shed some light on my problem. I bought a 20G ipod about 20 months ago(4th gen), recently the click wheel only works when it feels like,when it doesn't work i have to listen to the same tracks as it will only play the first catagory(90's music). will a reset help? thank's
You could try a soft reset [hold menu and center] you don't lose any music that way and it might resolve the problem. If that doesn't work you should probably restore your iPod with the iPod Updater. Being that it only plays that one category of music theres a good chance there is something wrong with the hardrive. Is it still recognized by your computer?
hello there, it's not that it will only play that one catagory, it's that i can't scroll down to another because the wheel won't work, and also (obviously) i can't adjust the volume untill the wheel decides to work.
Oh, well then. I have never actually heard of a clickwheel breaking, but I'm sure its just as likely to break as other things. A loose connection inside the iPod could be at fault. The click wheel connects to whatever it is it connects to with a plastic clip connector type thing [if I remember correctly from dismantling a 4G iPod a few months ago] If you feel comfortable opening your iPod then I would look at that, as it is out of standard warranty. If you happened to buy the extended warranty I'd say bring it back to Apple and they can take care of it.
the main reason i want it working is so i can use it through my car cd player, what i don't know is this, does the cd player take over the controls of the ipod or do i still need the ipod to function correctly in order to play it through the cd player, ah well, i'll soon find out as it's booked in in the morning to get the new head unit fitted.
It all depends on the system. If it's hardwired in it probably uses the controls of the CD player, but you can probably use the ones on the iPod as well. There are plenty of sites on the internet showing how to open your iPod safely if your still thinking of taking that route.