It started with my clock, going 3 times faster then it should, then I coudnt log msn messenger, and then coudnt go on Firefox. Is there anyone know how to solve this? and, having my clock like that. Does it have an effect on my other program? Thank you for your help
Ive never heard of the clock issue. I would assume you have a infection of some sort either spyware or a virus. So use whatever programs you got and do a full system scan.
Thank you for your answer. We ran everything we had with the PC to remove virus and spyware, ran vundo and smitfraudfix, The next day the PC didnt wanna open. It was freezing at select a user thing. We tried to restart in safe mode, and it ask us for a key something. Not sure what to do. Thanks for your help and your answers on the topic.
david66 is right. sometimes the easyiest options are the best. like he said try doing a system restore.
Your not supposed to run a Vundo or SmitFraudFix [bold]fix[/bold] unless you have an infection. VundoFix will remove the desktop if there aren't any infections. As stated above, restore is best option for you. Next time, don't run thoses fixes unless you [bold]know[/bold] it is needed!