Its me again, Heres my problem Just put my copy of rv in and it said that the device is not ready. I ejected it and tried again after a few minutes and still not ready I have a hitachi gd-800 set to region 1 I can burn this in my other computer with the same software with no problems. This computer however is a new compaq 1750nx that i added the hitachi drive and i have been having problems with burning ever since i got it now I can however write and read in the burner drive that came with my system oh btw when i put a dvd in the hitachi it shows a cd there but just wont recc it
I am also not able to copy RV with clone dvd 2 and any dvd. message says cannot open video files. Dont understand?
i can copy with my other cpu or just using the burner but not the hitachi... can someone tell me a drive i can get that i will not have these problems with.. more plug and play no region codes to se no flashes to run etc.
most of the firmware updates require you to restart in dos mode and tht requires a boot disk. most new computers dont have a floppy drive anymore
Very sinple solution. If you don't have an A: Drive then make a CD-rom bootdisk if you need to boot in DOS for firmware update. Google (Make CD bootdisc) and stuff should come up showing you or even having an image you can download to boot into DOS of a CD-R