I'm loosing my patience with slysoft. I recently bought a new computer and decided to purchase anyDVD and cloneDVD 2 to go with it. On numerous times cloneDVD stops burning at 33% and gives an error message suggesting bad media. I've tried changing my burn speed and theres been no improvement. Any ideas? DVD: Battle Royal, Herald and Kumar, (Japanese Precursor to Sin City, I forgot the title already) Comp. Specs: Dell XPS gen2 2.0 mhz intel pentium m processor Sony DVD+-RW DW-Q58A 80gig 7200 rpm harddrive, 1 gig ram ClonDVD w/ AnyDVD Maxell DVD-R 8x media Windows XP
try using other type of media,i use sonydvd+r had no problems yet.I use to use that media your using gave me lots of errors.
chan45, Don't loose patience with Slysoft ... you made an excellent choice of software. CloneDVD/AnyDVD is not your problem. My first and most likely suggestion is to go to Sony's website and make [bold]absolutely sure[/bold] that you are using the most current firmware for your model burner. This is critical. As media makers change their manufacturing specs, they inform drive makers of the changes and those changes are incorporated into the firmware upgrades. If you don't have the latest firmware, then you cannot even hope that your burner is compatible with the latest blank media on the "market shelves". Burner makers are also informed of update changes in software such as Slysoft's products, and those changes are also often incorporated into new firmware versions. Suggest dumping the Maxell DVD-R 8x media. They just outsource their media manufacturing to the lowest bidder and are not well thought of among advanced users. Neither are Memorex, TDK, Maxell or No-names that are "on sale" at the office supply store or Wallmart. Many players have trouble playing +R media. The Sony +R's that jujo13 suggested are fine quality [bold]if[/bold] your burner model is [bold]capable[/bold] of [bold]booktyping or bitsetting[/bold] the +R media to DVD-ROM format. There may have been a separate Sony utility bundled with your burner that controls Bitsetting for your model. Bitsetting makes +R media compatible with virtually all players. The Sony's should state clearly on the label that they are "Made in Japan" and not Taiwan (there are two +R Sony types on the market and the Japanese ones have the best reputation). If your burner model is not capable of bitsetting or if you would prefer to keep using -R backup media (which has better compatibility with players than non-bitset +R media) then choose Sony -R 1x-8x available in many stores. The Sony -R's are very high quality and have excellent burner and player compatibility. Either the -R or +R Sony's should also state "AccuCore" on the packaging. Other relible brands are Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim. Order online if your local outlets don't carry them. Just break the habit of buying junk media. And burn 8X media at 4X for best player compatibility. If that doesn't solve your issue, go to this thread on the cdfreaks forum and read. Read the whole thread if you like (to get a good feel for context) but there was alot of misinformed solutions and the real solutions are located on pages 3 & 4 of this thread. http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?s=37dc6e4e376cbbd105b2ce7a820a3791&t=126827 Check out the whole forum while your there. It's where the most informed CloneDVD & AnyDVD users hang and give their advice. Including the authors of both programs. http://club.cdfreaks.com/forumdisplay.php?s=88cf6d0317d1008afdbb4a2d9c183ba2&f=62 But don't forget your friends here at AD! CloneDVD and AnyDVD is an excellent choice of backup software. You just need to find and remove the kinks in your methodology. Best regards, Whisperer PS: If you please, post back on this thread if you get a resolution to your issue so your solution will be on record for members of Afterdawn to benefit from.
I searched all last night for any possible firmware up grade, but I had no luck whatsoever. Aparently, UDS1 is the most current firmware for the sony DW-Q58A, and its already installed. I will attempt to find better media, but until then AnyDvd and CloneDVD will be collecting dust (figuratively speaking).
You can try here for newer firmware, this site shows an update from what you have to UYS2, if you want to use it. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2113 Edit: Here is someone else with this burner who is also having difficulties with Maxell disks. They have a Dell comp, if you also have this comp then Dell usually issues their own OEM fw up date. If you have not then try the Dell site. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/301310
Success! It was my firmware version after all. I went to the Dell site a couple of times with no success, I could see the update, but not download it. It took me a while, but I finally figured out that I needed a .rar winzip-type program to open and install the darn thing. I'm now having full success with all my media, even maxell. Thanks to everybody for your help, I'll try to return the favour some time. Best of Luck, -chan45
Whisperer Could you list some of those. I've done all of my backups in +R and haven't had but one player not read and it was one of those promo items that would only read DVD ROM. I'm now bitsetting most of my DVD backups, but how many players do you see anymore that only read DVD ROM. Most nowadays are going multi format and are even reading CDs and AVI formats such as DivX. Plus, a lot of burners can't booktype.
I've used Memorex DVD+R, Maxell DVD-R, and Verbatum DVD-R. Also some assorted other that I can't recall at this point.
Depending on the manufacturers, you may have had good luck with some "dodgy" media. Who made you media today? To answer that question, download a free copy of DVD Identifier or DVDInfoPro and check the manufacturer ID of the discs.
sytyguy That's starting to sound like a mantra here on AD. I must say though, CMC got a name early on as a "questionable" manufacturer. CMC magnetics is the manufacturer that gave Memorex a bad name. CMC is making media for brands such as Verbatim, Imation, Philips, Samsung, and Speer as well as the Memorex and others. I realize Memorex sold more of the CMC, but I still hear no calls at all to throw out other brands that use the same discs under their brands.
brobear, Yeah, I agree, for one I have never used Memorex, but everyone here says to stay away from them, and there are more problem related issues with the Memorex media, so IMHO it is easier to say get rid of them, then to tell people download Identifier or DVD InfoPro to ID the media. Guess sometimes I just get lazy. Best regards, Rich
I still don't trust buying Memorex yet. Only about a year or so ago, it was one of my favorite brands for +R media. Then they were using Ricoh as the +R offering. I was having system problems at the time and I got a small batch of CMC when Memorex first started selling the +R CMC. With the bad reports and my questionable experience, I've not tried discs by that manufacturer again. I have no problem finding good media that I'm more comfortable with. Either CMC is getting better or they've got some genius salesmen. The CMC can be found in a number of brands now; and other than the Memorex debacle, we hear few complaints. Most of the forums still call CMC 2nd or 3rd rate though. However, a lot of people are still using Memorex (and CMC) with good success, as I've heard no big "hew and cry" to run Memorex (or CMC) out of business.
@whisperer Don't assume all TDK disc are no good. This is just not true. I am presently using a stack of TDK 8X DVD+R that code out as Taiyo Yudens, excellent media.
@garmoon, If you don't mind me asking: Where did you find TDK DVD+R 8X coding as Taiyo Yuden? I've use TDK with prety fair success, but never seen any made by TY.
I realize Mitsubishi and Taiyo Yuden made some of the -R media for TDK, but didn't know of either making the +R offering. Besides the TDK manufactured +R, Ricoh made some +R for TDK as well. Ricoh is good media and what I've used in the past, I consider to be as good as the TY I'm currently using under the Sony brand.