I'm using the lateset versions of the 2 mentioned softwares. My problem is that about 50% into the writing it fails due to bad media. I have tried several different types of blank dvd's with no success. I have an hp a747c desktop computer running windows xp, and i'm logged in as the adminastrator. It has a pentium 4 proccessor and is only about 1.5 years old. Does anyone have a clue as to what my problem is? I've tried the software on another computer that was a little older than mine and it works fine. Could someone please help me get started.
Hi, Update your DVDWriters firmware. Burn @4x for less errors. The best media to use are Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim. Also Maxell,Sony,Fuji MIJ's(made in japan) are also excellent blank media.
thanks for responding. I've tried to update the driver ( i think this is the problem) unfortunately after following my manufacturers instructions the computer says that it cant find the program that writes or created the RENU file. I'm using sonic revord now version 7. something. Sonicrecord now is the program that came installed on my computer. Is ther another way to update the driver? Thank for your help
What model DVD burner do you have? Try looking here for your model's latest firmware. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php Just search under your manufacturer and model number.
I have an hp a747c desktop comp. It has the dvd writer/ cd writer combo. When I look it up thru my comp. it read lite on sohw 822s. I cant find this particular model on the link you gave me. At least not the exact model that i listed.
I googled your drive and came up with this. http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=119622 and here http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=112004 Packaged deals sometimes mean a little adventure trying to update/patch, good luck, doesn't look too difficult though.
I went to the links posted and from there to codeguys where i downloaded a .rar file which i dont have the software to open. Thanks for the help but i think i'm stuck till i do get the sowtware.
Ok I went to the other link posted and i ended up reading about bin codes and stuff. way to technical for me. any real easy ways to do this? thanks
download winrar from here, http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm unzip the file to your desktop or floppy disk as the case may be.
Ok, I got my dvd writer upgraded from a liteon 822s to liteon 832s. But I still get the same error message "failure due to bad media" I've tried sony disc both +r and -r with no success. One thing to note is that one of the files I downloaded replied " Unable to flash firmware" I'm not sure what that means. Thanks.
I have confirmed that i am usinf the latest firmware for my dvd writer. someone has suggested that it is failing because my hard drive is running in FAT32. I checked my hard drive details and it says it has 122gb of free space. Any idea what my problem is?
Are you multitasking while you burn? Shut down any other application running at the same time, not sure if Sonic is interferring with you burner, some programs do not like working with other burning programs, you don't have Roxio installed do you? Suggestion, remove all CD/DVD burning programs and install Nero version, seems to be the most stable one out there (They have a free 30 day trial) Don't install Nero SCout, and don't install Nero InCD. trust me on this. Get Nero here. http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 try this and see if it works, Nero will generate a log when the program runs, and will give us lots more info to work on. A couple of other things to check, are all of your drives set to DMA? Have you defraggee your hard drive recently? Let me know what else you have tried and what doesn't work, Also, I rarely check my shoutbox, the best advice I have is to post in the open, more knowledgable people will see your question and most will respond if they see the problem and know how to fix it.
Should I remove programs like SonicRecord now and InterwinDVD, or the programs like anyDVD and cloneDVD....or Both? And if surfing the net or listening to music from my media library while trying to backup....than yes I'm multitasking.
Stop the surfing first and see what happens, if you are memory challenged, less than 1.0 Gigabytes, I would only burn, not surf.
I went to the the link for the nero version yyou reccomended and that failed due to an expired derial number that was given in the download. I gooogled to rty and find that exact version but i only find newer versions of nero deluxe 7.3.2
hi i had the same thing take all the other copying stuff off your pc restall clone if that dont do it format your pc and just put clone back on worked for me
I have reset my hp back to factory standards, updated the firmware and re-installed CloneDvd and AnyDVD.....stilll fails. Details for failure are: write dvd 10 11 W12.
I'm also getting this error message..."failure due to bad media." I'm using the same media that I used during my trial period which happened to be an older version that the one I bought. I even went out and bought Sony and Verbatim and I still get the message. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with the newest version of CloneDVD. I sent an email to Slysoft and waiting on a reply. Will let you know what they tell me.
JJordan... Please let me know if you find a fix. I don't understand what's going on and I'm getting very frustrated. I am also using the same discs that I used before. It's the newer version of the software. I feel like I've wasted $59 to buy this software. Please let me know if you find a fix.
jjordan's reply removed from this thread as he has his own here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/398378