I started to use clonedvd and i ripped clonedvd in a very nice quilty and size. the problem is that the voice doesn't sync. The words are 10 seconds off. Is this just me or who eles is having that trouble? But first 20 minute of movie is ok though. And this is the lastest verzion of the clonedvd mobile 426*240 resolution 29.97 frames persecond 30video quilty. those were the setting i did.
try 24 frames per second and see if that helps because that is what i use for cucosoft and it works fine.
I am not sure how much a change in framerate will contribute towards solving audio-video sync issues, but it is worth a try. [bold]rihgt682[/bold] Does this happen with many DVD's you attempt, or is it just this one? Have you tried any others?