Hi, I have just installed a dvd writer on my comp, and am trialling Clonedvd2 and Anydvd. I find them great and easy to use, but I'm a poor student and can't afford to buy a licence. It seems I have missed the boat with freeware such as "dvd decrpyter" - but are there any good freeware programs out there that people can recommend? Basically decryption and shrinking are most important, as long as I can create an ISO file I can use Nero to burn... Any suggestions??
Click on this link and go to software section, you can still get some "Freebies" from there, including DvdDecrypter guide by Bbmayohttp://bbmayo.home.comcast.net
I would also suggest DVDFab Decrypter, DVD Shrink and Imgburn, both free and excellent. DVDFab Decrypter - http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm DVD Shrink from the link Gwendolin gave you Imgburn - http://www.imgburn.com Here is a guide to make it easy peasy: http://www.k-probe.com/backup-newly-release-movie-DVD-DVDFAB-Decrypter-VobBLanker-Nero-Recode-2.php The VobBlanker step can usually be skipped and you can substitute DVD Shrink for the Recode step...happy burning.
Thanks guys, I have used the dvd decrypter and compressed it with nero recode (seems I already had Nero) - and burnt it to a folder in my hard drive, now I have a nice 4.3GB folder of files all ready to go onto disc... this is gonna sound like a stupid question, but whats the best way to do this? I'm using NeroVision express at the moment - going to create a dvd, then "add video files" - which then imports the files from my folder, but takes a while... is this the best / easiest way, or have I done it wrong?
You've already compressed the files using Recode (I assume), so just open the 4.3 gig folder in Nero Burning Rom and burn it. Here is a guide: http://www.burningbits.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2528
I don't seem to have the "Nero burning ROM" as shown in the applications screen on the guide. I have Nero installed - how do I find the "burning ROM" part?
Nero Express is the top listed application on mine, followed by Nero vision express, then Backitup, coverdesigner, showtime, recode, and media player. That's the entire apps list...
Ok, fixed problem now.. I had Nero OEM installed, which was the freebie version that came with my DVD writer. Now have installed Nero 6 and lo and behold.. Burning ROM!! Sorry about the confusion... am following guide now. Thanks everyone!
Next problem... The files in my folder I made using Nero recode are listed as "BUP" files - and Nero won't let me import them onto the disc. What is a BUP file? Would this be because I uninstalled the version of Nero I used to encode the files?