I have up dated my CloneDVD2 software and the last couple of movies ...one as old as "city of angels" ...when I want to copy movie only... The commentary is the only audio??? whats up w/ this??? This has never happen before but the last 4 out of 7 has come out that way???
herrick , when you get to the audio screen UNCHECK the 2 channel audio(thats where the directors comment are) JUST ckeck the 6 channel audio ONLY that should do it
I believe there is some sort of bug though. The stupid program will by default select the commentary instead of the damn dialogue on some discs. Had this happen on "Guess Who" and "Casanova" lately. Easy to fix, but why it doesn't select the main stream correctly (like Shrink always does), I haven't bothered to figure out.
Jigen, its never a perfect world backing up dvds the directors comments ARE in the 2 channel audio and sometimes defaults out too the the directors comment for whatever reason its an easy fix by UNCHECKING the 2 channel audio is all
Not saying it's perfect, not saying that it's hard to fix. What I am saying is that this is some kind of bug, and that Shrink has never had this problem. I tested those two movies to see if there was some authoring trick that made clone screw up, but Shrink knew which audio to keep just fine. Also what is the deal with lack of punctuation i spent many years in school and it seems to me that things such as periods and commas make writing so much easier to read sorry if my using these throws off some people here but if you don't mind I will continue doing so.
Jigen, you might try uninstalling and doing a clean reinstall of clonedvd 2, maybe that will fix the problem.
so long as this solves the problem.... and we should all use proper punctuation and remember to make sure your little pinky is lifted when drinking tea from a cup! etiquette is very important now a days!