Can anybody tell me if after Jtagging a blown Cloned box with the fixed V257e is it alright to upload the channel editor with a set of Favs programmed from another Ver. of software or would you have to prepare a new set of Favs from the newly fixed Clone and upload that Thanks LOFTC
scOuser, that was quick - Thanks. Just briefly, I've aquired 4 blown cloned boxes for jtagging for experimental purposes. I'm not doing the soldering myself and i'm awaiting the Jtag and software any day now. No problem in the techi. end of things but If you/ or anybody would have a few pointers i'd appreciate it Thanks LOFTC
No problem, all the info you need tutorials, firmware, etc I have posted here Just remember to flash them with the 2.57eE fixed firmware after you have successfully jtagged them. Best of luck, and drop back if you have any problems.
Thanks - i'll have a bash as soon as the Jtag arrives and let you know. Look out for smoke over dublin LMAO LOFTC