Hi can anyone tell me why my cd-writer (52speed)gives me an endless supply of coasters if i try to burn above 32 speed,all i seem to get is a buffer underrun error. cheers
Sounds like your drive may not have DMA enabled http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx
Are you trying to copy directly from another cd drive? 'On the fly' as they say. If you are then it needs to be able to read the disc twice as fast as the writer is writing. If your cd rom is reading at 48Xspeed then you should slow your writer down to 24Xspeed to be on the safe side.
dma is enabled and it copies 52 speed on the fly or if i cache to hard drive, its only when i try to burn mp3s which i have stored on a hard drive. if its any help i have my os on a 40g ide and my mp3s are on 2 160g sata drives which are striped.cheers
I take it your are burning these MP3s as AudioCD? What's the RAM buffer you've got? Try manually setting it
yes i am burning them as audio,their is a 2mb buffer on the drive and nero's ultra buffer is set at 80mb.
Tried my cd-rw in another pc and it failed above 32, i then tried another cd-rw in my pc and it burned at max speed, so it looks like my cd-rw is cr##ped out. Thanks for the help it was much appreciated.