Hi everyone, I'm a Senior in HS. This is my last year of HS and after that I'll go to college, there are many thing that I'm really scared and nervous about. I came from a not very rich family so I don't have the money, I don't have the best grades in school, I don't know the things to do and prepare for college.... What I'm trying to say is tha could someone give me a guide on what to do and how to get ready for college. Could someone give me a guide before entering to college. For example, when should I apply to college? When should I apply for scholarship? What should I do to be prepare for college? My average grade are A, B, C, mostly B & C, and some A. I don't know what kind of scholarship to apply to. I'm an Asian-American so I think I could get some type of scholarship for that. I don't play any sports at school either so I can forget about that. But beside that I really know much about scholarship. Could someone please explain to me about this. My parents only have me so they really have big hope in me, they bring to America because they say I've no future in China. After coming the US my stress have been building up higher and highere everyday, because of how my parents keep pushing to work hard at school. I do fine until my third years of college which got me very frustrated. I always get Honor Roll, but in my third year of HS I didn't get it due to one class. They want me to get into big college but with my grades I really know I can't do it. I want to go into the computer egineering career, my parents keep saying that in California they have many famous school and if I go over there and study when I got out I will have a higher chance of getting a good job. But with my grades I think I should stick with ASU. What do you think I should do? Another things I'm afraid of is the SAT, I know that all college check your SAT scored and if you got a really bad scored you can't go to any famous college... Could someone tell me what should I do to prepare for the SAT? And could someone explain to me how the SAT work. What is the average requirement for normal school, famous school. What does an average student usually scored? What is the worst scored? What is the highest scored? What if you fail that SAT what will happen? Anyhow, thank for taking your time and reading this, I really aprreciated it.
(hope this helps by the way). i didn't do overly well at school, so redid my last years exams in '6th form' (i'm in UK). anyway i didn't do too well then either (i had too much fun in last years of school so just didn't get very good grades). i then did work experience for almost a year, which was in a Computer firm. i really enjoyed it and found something i wanted to do for a career, which i'd never though about until then. From my experience in that year i was recommended to a local customer of that computer firm. I got a job there and 9 odd years later i'd worked up the ladder to be a Senior member on shift. however for that last 9years all i'd wanted was to get into a techie role. this just wasn't happening at my firm so i got the courage to try somewhere else. i got a job at a bank due to my experience and stayed there 3yrs and in that time worked up from the bottom of the ladder up to almost the top as Shift Manager. i left there due to the data centre closing and making a few of us redundant and as i still wasn't in a techie role i decided to try to cross-train into PC's or Unix or something like that (had always worked in mainframes). The boss of my current firm took me on (despite H.R. turning me down, H.R. said i had no experience for the job), due funnily enough, to my experience. i had applied for a helpdesk job. a month later the boss aid i'd be bored with helpdesk and offered me Unix trainee. There was never anyone to mentor me so i just got on with it, and about 2 or 3yrs in the job by myself i made Unix Admin. so after that overly long explanation, it's not always grades etc that make the difference, but hard work and experience. oh and i'd never been into sports either so really i was only interested in computers
Hope it did help. I have a habit of overexplaining. The. Gist of it, is that you usually need experience to get a job, but to get experience you usually need a job. A bit of a catch22. But In my own experience it's been better for me to have experience thru working than just qualifications. But what works for me doesn't work for everyone, I had a couple lucky breaks with many wasted years on 12hour shifts. However i got off shifts in the end, and it has benefits, such as I'm now in the park with the kids playing and the job entitles me to carry a handheld and use it for forum postings