I have a set of splitted wmv files. I'd like to know how to combine these files into 1 wmv file. I assume the reason it was split was to reduce download time. If I add all these files together it would be over 1GB. I have no idea how it was split though. I tried the DOS copy /b method to merge these files but seems like there's static or not smooth transition from end of 1 file to the beginning of the next file. I didn't play the whole merged file as it is over 2 hrs long. So is there a correct way to merge these files together? Any free software if required? The files are as follows: file.wmv.001, file.wmv.002, ...., file.wmv.012
Doesn't work. Movica only recognizes wmv extension. Even if I rename 001 to wmv, it's not right either because the file is fragmented not a complete wmv file. Also, I cannot use the slider for time seek when the fragmented file is renamed to wmv. FYI, the 001 file contains the timestamp of the complete video, 001-012. So I'm thinking that the closing header is in the last fragment file 012.