i got a really bad problem. i have gotten windows xp. P3 comp. a 160 gig hard drive. no video cards. i was using the computer and suddenly the computer crashes and the blue error screen comes up for about 2 seconds and than the comp restarts itself. this has happened before. i than went in safe mode and it was working fine (btw i am writing this from the safe mode) the computer workes in safe mode but not in normal mode. this means that there is not any hardware or power problems. this same problem happened before but that time i left my comp on in safe mode for a night and the next day it was fine. i dont understad this. i looked at the blue error screen and it was the same problem that happened to me before last time. the error is the same. i also trerd to run numbers of spyware remover programs in safe mode but found nothing. i have also kept my comp on for about 2 nights like last time this happened but it still does the same thing. i even trid the system restore thing to an earlier time and than i restarted the comp it crashed rite after 2 minutes when the desktop is shown. i have also changed the advance settings on my computer so now i am able to see the error massage. the massage said something about the file that is causeing this. the file was somehing like "IMFQS.SYS" i looked on google and other system files websites but no luck. this file does not exist in their list as a system file. i have also noticed that this happens when i am running too much things at the same time. when this problem occoured on tuesday june 27. i was running MAGIC ISO, NERO, AND was playing an online game. i do belive that the reason is that my ram is bad or something like that. but my computer is able to run in safe mode i need help plz reply to this as soon as possible. safe mode limits me to do things. btw is it safe to run nero to get importent in safe mode? thx i need help
Sounds like you just need to reinstall. Backup all that you can. Then reinstall the programs up to what you were using when you crashed. Save a restore point from the clean install, then install the suspect programs, and then your data that you backed up. If you think the memory is a problem and you have multiple sticks, you can take them out one by one and see if it runs better or worse with each individual stick. But most likely a reinstall will be best.
Some versions of Nero were not "compatible" with Win XP. On installation, did you get a warning about this? This could be the issue here. In safe mode, uninstall Nero, and reboot. See what happens. Did you add any software/update drivers lately? If so, undo those changes one by one till you find the culprit. ~Rich
yes it did say that some of neros things were not compatible with this version of windows. now for some reeason i restarted my comp and the problem is gone. it does not restarts it self after 2 min when the desktop screen is shown. ITS WORKING. but i have a hint that this will happen again i am buying a portable drive and than getting all my data just incase. and i am not gonna run 5 programs at the same time. thx for ur help btw can u just help me get the problem down so that it does not happen again. plz i need to know so this does not happen. any1 know that file that i have said plz thx