Thank you all for the awsome site. My comp and stand alone plays my dvds fine once burned however if I try to get my comp to open the ISO file and play it, it just doesn't work. I am using windvd4 and when I open it and click open file I can go to the directory and in the window it says to display all video types I try to change it to all files but I don't have that option. the ISO file that is in that dorectory though sim ply does not show up in the window and I know it is there so how do I get it to play before I actually put it on a disk? Thanks for the feedback.
So there is no way to play an .ISO file directly from my hard drive? is there a converter or something I can use to accomplish to convert the .ISO to something that will play from my hardrive something beside divx or xvid of course? And also how do you make a back up copy of a DVD to play from your hard drive as was suggested you can do if you have a laptop to save energy the laptop uses by spinning the disk? Thanks for the reply