ok so i have an hp g60 something or other and i was running win7 32. i used a program called windows washer by webroot and decided to wipe everything and restart. well you have to burn a disk and restart your comp with that disk in. the only problem is i burnt it then went to the kitchen and my gf hit start burn thinking i didnt. so it burn twice on the same disk and i was unaware. now it loads the hp screen with the options to hit f2 and so forth. when it gets past the screen it goes to a black one with a wight blinking line like its waiting for a command or input but i cant type anything. i bought win 7 online and just have the exe file for it. what do i need to do to fix this. im assuming i need to reinstall windows but the copy i have is just that exe. if i burn that to a dvd and pop it in will that work?