Looking to buy one of these: Sony RDRGX315, Panasonic DMRES15 or DMRES20. I record a lot of movies (Sony doesn't let recordings of HBO), so that's one strike for that model. I record in +RW and I hear different views whether these Pan models will record in +RW. Panasonic rep on phone says they both do; user via internet says ES15 does not. Anxious to get rid of my Magnavox. Suggestions please.
Thanks, Spacedust. I got a very good price on the ES15 so I bought that. So far I like it. Different configurations than Magnavox. Trying to figure out how to watch on the TV screen what I'm recording. Could do that easily in Mag; feel must be able to also in ES15. Right? Also, haven't figured out how to easily divide titles. But, I've only had a few hours to figure things out. Will do more exploring today.
Under no circumstances buy the RDR GX-315. The reasons are numerous but this machine is a dinosaur compared to the GX-300....