I heard dreambox is best? I live in Dublin. Looking for mainly all the sports channels. Also I have an amp with digital surround sound so a box with a digital audio out. I think starview would be easiest to get but any help appreciated.
It depends on how much you want to spend , they will all pick up the sports channels from your provider. And Im sure they all have Audio Out
if your a complete novice a starview or eurovox would probly be best,dreambox is the best but if your not comfortable with setting up networks etc you should reconsider,all the boxes have optical digital outputs but the providers only send out stereo signal,so u aint gona get 5.1 no matter what box send me a personal message if you need more help
Ah okay, I see. That's fine as I just want it to connect to my amp cause my tv has no audio out itself. Seems starview is best, is it reliable? No box has any HD channels yet either yeah?
no,ntl havent started broadcasting yet,they are due to start at the end of the year id say about march new boxes will be released with high definition try ebay number 320142485906,thats the latest starview available,apperently its very good from review ive read. David