compliance test failed

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by aessedai, Aug 13, 2005.

  1. aessedai

    aessedai Guest

    Hi, I've read alot of help about compliance test failed problems with nero express but none of them address the exact problem I've got. I convert downloaded TV programmes from avi using DVD rebuilder. The size of all the episodes is too large to fit on a single DVD. When i burn the first 10 episodes onto a disk (with the video_ts.ifo and video_ts.bup) they burn and play fine. However, when I attempt to burn the final 10 episodes nero says compliance test failed video_ts.ifo and video_ts.bup not present. When I manually transfers these in (from the beginning of the video_ts file that RB created) then add the final 10 episodes nero burn the disk but it won't play on a DVD player. Please help. Is it possible because I converted all of the episodes at once that I can't seperate them onto separate DVDs.
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    it's not Nero at fault here, Nero's clever enough to notice that the files aren't compliant..

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