Complicated ?. For me anyways.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by durda111, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. durda111

    durda111 Member

    May 5, 2006
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    I have recently downloaded the full first season of Lost onto my HD. They were xvid files. I changed them to .vob files. I go to Nero Vision because I want to make a menu for each disc. There are 24 episodes in all and I want to make 4 discs of 6 episodes each disc. Now the file is too big to fit on a regular dvd, so I decided to change it to dvd-9 and instead of burning the project to a disc, just burn it to the HD. I do that and decide to go to DVD shrink to compress the project. I start it up and it encodes for me fine, but when I try to burn it it says there is not enough disc space on the disc. I then take the compressed project and open it with DVD2One and it burns about 93% and then an error comes up. I know I did this successfully before, but can't seem to do it right again. And I know this is a very unorthodox method of trying to do this successfully.

    My question is, does anybody know how I did this and, if not, does anybody know of a way to properly shrink and burn a downloaded movie which I made a Menu with DVD shrink or any other method. Thanks, I know this is alot to ask, but I would really appreciate it.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Do you still have the Xvid files? If so load the Xvid files into Nero Vision and go from there. If you want 4 shows on 1 DVD then just import 4 Xvid files.

    There is no need to convert them to VOB files then import them into Nero Vision.

    Nero Vision will convert the Xvid to DVD format(VOB) with menus all at the same time.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  3. durda111

    durda111 Member

    May 5, 2006
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    No I want six on 1 disc. I don't beleive I still have the avi files. I realize that it would just make it easier to put the avi files in instead of the vob files, but wouldn't that greatly reduce the video quality? Also, wouldn't I just be able to put a bunch more avi files so I wouldn't have to make 4 discs an only make possibly two, because the size of the avi files is smaller than the vob files? Thanks.
  4. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    The video quality will only be as good as the download. Converting an Xvid file to a VOB file will not make the video quality any better.

    You actully are lowering the quality more by converting the Xvid to a VOB file then making a DVD9 disc and trying to compress it again to a DVD5 disc.

    Every time you convert/transcode the file your losing video quality.

    That is why i said it would be better to load the Xvid files into nero vision and make a DVD with menus that way.

    When you use Nero vision and you import enough Xvid files into it it will tell you that the files are to large and ask if you want to reduce the quality of the DVD. (Nero vision recording options are like VCR recording options it has Standard play, Extended play and Long Play) So the more AVI files you import into Nero vision the lower video quality you will have.

    As to the VOB files that you converted from the Xvid files. I duno what to tell you to do. I have never converted Xvid files into VOB files then try to import them into Nero Vision.

    It would have been better to have kept them in Xvid format and imported them as that. Then Nero Vision can control how to convert the Xvid files into VOB files. It will know how much to compress the files so it can fit onto a DVD5 disc.

    As to your question about how many episodes to put on a dvd. I can uasly add 4 1hour episodes onto a DVD when importing Xvid files into nero vision express. ANything more then that the video quality will defently be poor.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  5. durda111

    durda111 Member

    May 5, 2006
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    Thanks for your help. I'll try this and let you know how it works out.

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