Hello and HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEASE !!!!!!! So heres the prob. Everytime i restart my pc which runs on windows XP it loads the desktop and all the items on the desktop and then just restarts. After all apears to have loaded the computer just crashes and starts to load again. Goes through the password sequence and then starts to load the desktop items. Then after 1 or so min crashes and starts again!!! Once it eventually loaded after around fifty times of going through this shit heres what it said - "The system has recovered a serious error" (no f*ck!ng sh!t <---) "A log file has been created" When i click on the log file it says - "Error sygnature" BCcode:1000007e BCP : C0000005 BCP2: 8055AC63 BCP:3 B7CDCC58 BCP 4:B7CD954 OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP: 2_0 Product:768_1 Then i click on the view error report and it says - "The following files will be included in the report" C:/DOCUME~1/Owner/LOCALS~1/Temp/WER395f.dir00/Mini010709-01.dmp C:/DOCUMEN~1/Owner/LOCALS~1/Temp/WER395.dir00/sysdata.xml So i sent the files to microsoft and of course heard nothing back. So thats all i have to go on. I have no idea what the messages mean or what the fkuc is going on!? Any help is apprecaited and of course sorry if this has been posted! I had no idea what to google before posting!!!!! <---- Thanks in advance.
Have you installed any software or programs recently or add any new hardware? If you did, try uninstalling it or using system restore and see if that does anything for you.
Thank you for the reply. I tried uninstalling alot of things that were not needed but still no luck. Every time i restart the comp, it loads all the desktop items and then restarts itself?!? Any other suggestions? Theres a copy in the previous posting with the error message in it! Thnx again.