Computer schooling

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by porkroll, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. porkroll

    porkroll Guest

    I am recently looking into going to school over the internet for "Graphic Design". I love computers and all the things I can do with them. (Unsexually) and I enjoy all the new programs I come upon on this site. I have never enjoyed schooling, but the whole "Graphic Design" field gives me something to look forward to. Does anyone have a degree in this? If so, is it a good thing? I am sure it is.
  2. gozilla

    gozilla Regular member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    not doing a graphic design course, (doing IT), however i have done some graphic design subjects (from the graphic design course) and they have been by far the most enjoyable, and easiest subjects i've ever done.

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