Hello, I've been searching for a problem like this, visisted a lot of sites, stumbled across a lot of thread, but still haven't found anything. So here's my problem: I burn dvd movie using nero 7 ultra edition (earlier i had nero 6). There's no trouble, the whole process is correct, there are no error messages. But then WinXP comes into an action. In 'my computer' dvd burnt one moment ago is shown like a blank cd and pc is asking what to do - open it, burn it with wmp, burn it with itunes etc. Double-click on dvd icon and there are no files on it. I can play it directly from powerdvd and again, there are no problems then. What to do? I installed the newest firmware for NEC3540, installed ASPI, flashed NEC and still no progress. Now even dvds burnt 3-4 months ago don't work properly and are shown as blank cd. Is it possible that this problem is because of any windows updates?