I currently having some problems with my computer being unresponsive after i turn my TV and receiver off. I have two screens connected to my computer. Two gtx 460 in sli. I use the hdmi port from the first video card for my monitor and use the other hdmi port on the second video card for the LG 47in tv i have. The hdmi isnt directly connected to my TV its connected to my pioneer receiver which is then connected to the TV. Also the second video card is set to send audio signal to the receiver through the hdmi. I noticed a few times already that after i close my tv or receiver my whole computer becomes unresponsive. The mouse and keyboards all dont work. Basically all the usb ports are off even my power button on my computer becomes unresponsive all i see is my desktop i would have to press the restart button for my computer to reboot. Anyone know what might be the problem here? Thank You