computer will not boot

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by moss2k, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    when I turn it on, the only thing I can do is hit F12 to go to the setup screen. I'm not sure what to do when I come to this screen. So I just escape out of it, and it takes me to a black screen that says, "No boot device detected: System halted"

    I've opened up my computer, and made sure that the connections to all the drives were hooked up properly. Not sure what to do now.

    Only thing that was different about the computer before this happened, was that my computer was saying that I had a "counterfeit version of windows." Not sure why I was gettin this because the computer was purchased from Dell.

    Thanks in advance
  2. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    First is it still under warenty with dell if so they have the responsability of fixing it, if not try getting a Windows XP pro disk which dont cost that much these days boot up pc press F11 or Esc to get boot menu then select boot from CD/DVD drive, if this works you can then try loading your new OS onto the hdd, if this fails you may have a ruined hdd and may have to buy a new one, if you have got a friend with a pc borrow a hdd off him and see if that boots and is recognised if not try a new set oif 80 pin cables. let me know how you get on. :)
  3. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    its out of warranty now, so dell won't help me. where can I get a windows xp pro disk?
  4. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    i don't have the system restore disk. it wasn't given to me when i bought the computer from a friend
  5. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    went through dell tech support, and they said that my motherboard is dead.
  6. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    Have a look in trade it papers like the Loot ect... there are normaly xp pro disks going for around £45, And i can't see you mother board being dead if your still able to boot op the main set up screen. when your pc boots do you get a single boot bleep. i would still try another hdd from a friend thet has an OS on it at least that way you can rule out the mother board. Also go on line and find your mother board and find out what jumpers will flash the bios, its a simple job that only requires moving one of the jumpers on the board booting up for a few seconds then switching off and removing the jumper again replacing all other hardware and booting up again. see how that goes then get back to me. :)
  7. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    It makes 2 beeps
  8. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    Let me take a look at the warning codes again and i will get bk to you asap. :)
  9. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    right moss2k gis your motherboard number and i will find out the full details of your MB so i can try and resolve this prob for ya. the mother board number is normally printed on board in big letters/numbers (example K7S41). and the name of you MB IE. asrock/asus... ect. cheeers mate. lets hope we can sort it "A". :)
  10. moss2k

    moss2k Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    AA A67834-400 is one that is on the MB with on a white label.

    DS/N NY-08P779-19341-24D-0MMM0

    That is all that I could find on the MB.

    I did take out a HDD from my old computer that still functions and place it in the one that is acting up. Still received the same error. So it could be that my motherboard is dead :-/
  11. casper007

    casper007 Guest

    I can't find a motherboard with them numbers, are they the only ones??
    was there no name?? and what proceser you running?? that might help with the search. :-}

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