Computer wont start or respond

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Drbombay2, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. Drbombay2

    Drbombay2 Member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Hi, i have a p4 running windows xp, and just recently, the computer shut down while i was using it. Now, if i try to turn it on, the computer's hdd led goes on, but stays on(as if it were stuck or something), the fans run, nothing shows on the monitor, and it does not go anywhere. Also, i can't shut it down using the the power switch, i have to go to the back and shut off the power supply to turn it off. Any help would be greatly appreciated! please!
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    disconnect all cards, ram & cables to drives & motherboard except for video card & 1 stick of ram than repower system. reseat the video card, the stick of ram & power connector(s) to motherboard. if powers up than reconnect 1 device at a time til it stops posting. if not post with just cpu/heatsink/fan, video card & ram post back
  3. Drbombay2

    Drbombay2 Member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    hey, i tried disconnecting everything, and left juss the motherboard, and it didnt go anywhere, i connected video card, and it still dint go anywhere, i connected ram and it didnt go anywhere, and i reset the bios, and it still dint go anywhere...hmmmm... and if it makes any difference, its a p4 1.8ghz northwood, on a soyo motherboard...thanks for your time, any suggestions would be appreciated.
  4. jaydeeX3

    jaydeeX3 Guest

    sounds like your power supply may be bad....try it on a another computer...... if it is not the power supply, your mobo might have went out on you......

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2005

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