I've downloaded a couple of movies from the internet and wanna watch them on tv. Is it better to convert them to dvd and burn them so that they can be played by a standalone dvd player or do you get better quality if you connect your pc to the tv instead via VGA? Also, when converting avi/wmv/...etc to dvd, is there a quality loss?
The better way is to buy a dvd standalone that can play divx avi's. They go for about 70.00 usd on newegg. Then all you do is run your avi's through divx;s converter. It will convert them to proper format. The create bundle can be found on divx site. Then just burn the avi's to disc. Depending on size you could get about 7 or 8 on dvd5. Then pop them in the stand alone and pick the one you want to watch. I heard the pioneer divx player was good...... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16882117043 Also check ya avis with g-spot. They may already be in divx format and ready to burn, without throwing it through divx convertor@!
If you have a HD Television then the best quality would be to connect your tv to your pc, if you have a standard television your better of just burning it to DVD.