Alright, I've connected my vid card to a regular 32 inch TV with a s-video cable. No high def or digital in my house unfortunately. I wasn't expecting perfection, I know the text is always going to be blurry , but when I play DVDs I notice 2 grey lines slowly rising from the bottom of the screen.(I know its not the luma flicker) Can this be fixed? Do I need a better s video cable?
i have and AIW 8500DV and the only tv out worth doing is the HDTV standard TV sets look so bad compared to a monitor i gave up any DVD output to a tv will never compare to a stand alone DVD player going to the same tv no brand of video card i have seen has good tv out.the HDTV output is razor sharp on the 1080 setting it is close to a monitor and looks really nice. if you read media center pc reviews the big complaint is allways the poor quality when picture using a tv as the display tommays