connecting dvd recorder through cable box

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by bucko68, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. bucko68

    bucko68 Guest

    I am having troubles connecting my cyberhome dvr 1200 through my digital cable box. If anyone has any idea how this can be done so that i can preserve my hd channels and still use the recorder please let me know.
  2. ratboy113

    ratboy113 Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    please let me know what country you are in and what type of connections are on the back or front of each box
    but basically run a cable from the outputs of the cable box into the dvd recorder inputs ( say AV1 ) then connect the dvd recorder outputs into the inputs of the television ( again say AV1 on the tv)
    leave the TV on AV1 and set the DVD recorder channel to AV1 as well, this way it will record whatever is connected ionto those inputs, this being the cable box and the TV will display whatever is running into its AV1, this being the DVD recorder which has the cable box running inot it so the cable box HD channels should be preserved and displayed on-screen
    sorry if this is wrong as i am in australia and dont know if we use different connetions here as to in the States
  3. bucko68

    bucko68 Guest

    thanks. i am in the US. the connections are as follows:

    cable in, to tv/vcr, audio out, video out (rca), component out

    antenna in/out, video input 1, stereo audio output, composite video ouput,s-video in, component out

    composite in (2), hd component in (2), ant-A, ant-B, ant out

    i realize that in doing the av1 setup as you recommended that i can only watch what is on tv on the current station. i am trying, however, to find a setup in which i will be able to record a program when i am not at home and watching the program. ive tried every configuration that i can think of and the only solution may to be to run a cable splitter and then record through basic cable and not through the cable box. if you have any suggestions on how to record through the digital cable channels when i am not currently watching them i would appreciate it. thanks.

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