connecting xbox to pc

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by sweetm, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    Ok i am new to the xbox side of things, i'm just used to backing up my PS2 games.
    please be gentle!! it mentions a hub or crossover cable to connect the xbox to the pc, what if i'm still the only person in the world using crummy dial up? do i have to have dsl or other means of internet to be able to backup my xbox games?

    i am waiting for my mod chip it is a Duox2 (a cheap one) lol
    hope you can help, thanks
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    No worries...we'll get you off on the right track.

    First of all FTPing into your xbox has nothingto do with your internet connection.

    As for the set up, there are two ways it can be done. Via a direct connection by use of a crossover cable or via a router.

    If you do it by connecting directly, the xbox and the LAN connection on your PC being used for the connection will need to have Static IP's assigned. When you know the xbox's IP (usually displayed on the dashboard of modded xboxes) use that to set up a connection with the FTP Client of your choice (i.e. Flash FXP, Cute FTP)

    If using a router to FTP; the process is a little more easy. Make sure DHCP is enabled on both your xbox and PC, plug the xbox into your router, restart it and then input the current IP displayed on the xbox into your FTP Client.
  3. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    ok so where can i get a router and how much will that cost?
    and then i would need link cables for the xbox?

    if i get the things above will the other end of the cable from the xbox go into the router? how would the router connect to the pc

    like i said before i am not on broadband, i am using dialup.

    thankyou sweetm
  4. toney420

    toney420 Guest

    I feel your pain I thought I was the only one with a dial up(not by choice) anyways. I personally don't know if I spend the money on a router just to connect your Xbox to your pc. Reason being a crossover cable will do the trick and it only costs about $10-$15 dollars. Got mine at bestbuy. So I guess it's a matter of do you need the router for anything besides hooking up your xbox. If no, like I said I'd go with the crossover cable. With either the crossover cable or router there are plenty of posts here @ A.D. to help you get the two talking to each other. Hope this helps.
  5. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    if you get a crossover cable or a router you will also need to insatll a networking card into your computer to plug the networking cable into it.

    you can get routers at walmart price very.

    around $40 for a 4port router or you could go higher around $60 and get a wirless router.

    here is a few options you could go with:

    Crossover cable $10 and a network card $15
    install netwrokign card in PCI slot of computer and connect the crossover cable from your computer to Xbox.

    router around $40 network card $15 plus network cables.
    place networking card into your computer. place a cable from PC to router and a cable from Xbox to router.

    wirless router $50 to $70 and a wirless network card $40 plus a cable between Xbox and router.
    insatll the wirless network card into PC wich will connect with no cable will do it wirless and connect a cable from Xbox to wirless router.

    all these options you can get at walmart.

    you do not need broudband to do this. your computer still will connect threw your phone modem. The router or crossover cable will act as a network between your computer and xbox.

    now of course you dont need the netwroking card for the PC if your motherboard already has a Lan connection on it. or if you already have a networking card insatlled.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2005
  6. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    Thanks for the help guys.

    i will look at walmart in the morning, i have seen some network cards in the entertainment part before ut i thought it was just for laptops, i didn't know i could get the crossover cable though.

    i might try just the network card and cable for now, if all else fails i will just get the router to go with it all

    what makes are the best to get?

    thanks sweetm
  7. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    you need to make sure you get a PCI netwroking card for the PC not the laptop.

    I have D-link myself but walmart sells Lynks and I think motorola Most people use Lynks tho.
  8. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    ok i found the network card but did not see the crossover cable :(
    might be a good idea to look at the local computer store for that.

  9. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    a computer store or even best buy or cirguet city if you have 1 Radio shack might have 1 But if you go to radio shack make sure they give you a crossover betwork cable not a regular network cable.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2005
  10. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Once you get all of your hardware, follow the tutorial in my signature on FTPing, it should (hopefully) get transfering in minutes.
  11. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    Ok i got my network pci card and i also got a cross over cable from radioshack, it is a Cat 5E Crossover cable is this the right one?

    i am still waiting for my du0 x2 chips to get here but could i at least try to connect the xbox to the pc and try to copy a game until i get my chip installed? if so could you tell me where to look or just tell me here the settings for the xbox and pc.
    thanks guys
  12. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    You can't connect and xobx to a PC or laptop that is unmodified. You'd have to wait until your chip comes. Even then, please follow a tutorial and try the connection and then post with specific issues. There is one in my signature. ;)
  13. sweetm

    sweetm Guest

    Ok this is where i am at the moment, my chip will be here maybe today or tomorrow, should have been here yesterday but they had mechanical problems in canada.

    i have been getting all the apps i need to ftp make xiso etc
    the only thing i can't get hold of is the dashboard, i have tried doing a google search but not had any luck.
    do i need a dashboard to backup games? my chip is duo x 2 cromwell/flashbios edition, i just really want to get everything now so i'm not running around at the last minute.
    thankyou if you can help

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