Hey i have a sofmodded xbox but my ip address on my xbox wont connect to my flashfxp or ftp servers can someone help me. Please respond A.S.A.P!
if this is for halo2 modding well bungie just set up a thing so u cant mod that game anymore so sorrry only people that already had mods can use them and besides that if u do get by there system ur banned for lifre in 6 hours once u start modding questions my gt is a trillionair
what but people are saying that softmodding on xbox 360 is sopposd to be easier than the original xbox?
well dude i'm just telling u about the regular xbox maybe it will be easier on the xbox 360 but hell those are just rumors if u have any questions my xbox live3 gamertag is a trillionair and dont think i suck because im a low level i deleveled myself from a 36
thats a lie because i just modded my xbox 2 days ago. and if you want to connect to your xbox with the ftp you need a modded dashboard.you can get that from the splintercell saves
dude i already have a softmodded dashboard so i need help connecteing it to a flahfxp or some thing because it wont work '