Hi, I've just bought a new Freecome 320gb portable hard drive. Works fine accept when I'm loading up my laptop, windows wants to check its consitency nearly everytime. This is pretty frustrating as I'm sure this is not necessary. Can I stop this from happening at all? Thanks in advance, Ed
I assume you have at least service pack 1 installed if you are using windows XP? I'm also assuming that you are properly shutting the machine down each time as well? Did this problem start after an improper shutdown? You might just have to run fdisk or a similar disk utility problem that will search and fix any errors it finds. "The most likely explanation is that the system is not writing back all of the cached hard-disk-drive information before it turns off the computer." From the prompt try running "CHKDSK C: /R", it will probably tell you it can't use it on a drive in progress and ask to run when the computer reboots, say yes.