It depends on your computer specs and the settings of the application you use to encode it. If your goal is quality, then encoding is normally slow...
'ConvertXtoDVD' takes around 45 minutes for a two hour movie on my P4 2.8GHz machine. I assume ConvertX is typical, but there is no standard AFAIK.
Hi, VSO DivXtoDVD v0.5.2b will still work on some Audio/Video Streams. But it has not been updated in a long long time. Several new streams will probably not work with this old freeware version. Since then, it was renamed to ConvertXtoDVD. Latest is v2.2.3.258 and v3.00 is almost out the door. Yes it's not free, but the price of ConvertXtoDVD is the price of 1 or 2 bought DVD, so I think it's all worth it ! My opinion
Forget VSO, use DVDFlick. It's 100% free, has all the features VSO has, and allows you create animated menus and set your bitrate manually so squeeze as much quality as possible out of every DVD. For me, most full-length feature films take 2-3 hrs, but I encode at the highest possible quality settings, and also burn at slower speeds to ensure I get no bad/unreadable sectors and such.