hi! I have used Trex software to convery MPEG-2 file to MPEG-1. Initial my MPEG-2 file is 480X480. This MPEG-2 I had created using pinnacle Bungee DVD and it plays with WINDVD. After I converted to MPEG-1, when I play it using WinDVD or even after I burn them to VCD using Nero, I see lot of vedio delay. I mean I get audio well in advance and then after few seconds I see the picture related to that. Is there any different software I need to use to convert from MPEG-2 to MPEG-1. I really need to convert them as I have two DVD players and they play only VCDs not SVCDs. IS there any problem in my setting. I dont see any problem when I play MPEG-2 file. I appreciate your help.