converting an avi file to mpeg

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by renard, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Hi guys,

    I have some tv shows on my hard drive that i am trying to burn to a dvd. The ones that are in mpeg format burn and play no problem. However the ones in avi format do not. I understand its because dvd players dont read avi as such. So i downloaded about ten or more programs none of which work.

    I tried avi2dvd and after waiting near three hours, it just made a dvd too big to burn with Nero!! It looks like any decent straight forward avi to mpeg conversion program is gonna cost me. Does anyone know where you can get this sort of program free? All the "free sites" end up with it only converting ten minutes of your file and then your file is ruined.

    There must be some program that converts the two files that doesnt cost and doesnt take three hours of sitting at your computer??

    Many thanks
  2. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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  3. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    After so many tries on so many programs, still nothing. OK Im not a techno person but I still don't understand. I downloaded mepg videos, burned them with nero vision express two, no problem burning them onto dvd+r discs and playing them on a dvd player. Now with the avi files, i have (many thanks philraz for the download tip) converted them with divx2 dvd. That works fine.

    Now Nero Vision Express doesnt want to know about those converted files so i used dvd shrink which seemed to do the job. Burned the files...stuck disc into the dvd player....Loading.....Stop.

    it cant be my dvd player as it played the mpegs. It cant be my liteon burner as it burns no problem...

    ALl i can think of is biting the bullet and paying for a proper avi-mpeg converter. Sad really when i have already paid for sonic, nero, downloaded dvd shrink....

    I give up!! (But thanks guys for trying to help)

  4. philraz

    philraz Regular member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2006
  5. shezzy999

    shezzy999 Guest

    hi,, can somebody please help me, im a bit of of a new user, i downlaoded a few movies from the net and they are in AVI format, how can i convert the movies to one blank dvd disk and make it work on my home dvd player? and if possible i would like to convert the avi files to dvd format quickly. also i would like to add chapters and menu and titles screens and also subtitles to the movies, if anybody knows then please help me, i would be greatful.
    also please can you tell me he best program for downloadin music and videos.

    thank you very much, like i said im a new user and i would really like your help, thanks
  6. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @shezzy999 - no more multiposting, instead read the Forum Rules in my signature
  8. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Hi again guys.

    Well regarding my problems getting avi files changed and burned onto a dvd, it really looks like my issue is with my dvd player. I can confirm it plays burned DVD+RW material. However, it still refuses to play even MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 burned files on a DVD+R disc.

    Now i loaded the same DVD+R disc back onto my LITEON DVD burner and it played straight away. Still concerned that the picture quality left a lot to be desired but that's another days problem for now.

    I have a DELL INSPIRON 6000 laptop with a DVD+R Burner as well as the stand alone LITEON which burns on any format. Maybe that's causing some kind of firmware conflict?

    Im going to go buy a few DVD-R discs and see how my actual DVD player takes to them. If it works then we can establish that that's the problem. If not, I must go on hunting for the answer. Truth is, I haven't been able to narrow it down to a problem with discs or players or burners.
  9. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    well can you provide a nero log?\

    and if your going for discs try verbs/tys or ritek as these seem to produce better results than memorex/princos etc
  10. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    I probably could provide a Nero log if I knew how. Anyhow, i used to save my dvds on hard drive and then make copies with dvd decryptor and then dvd shrink. Just tried it with a new film i bought. I'm using Fuji DVD+R. It played the first few seconds of the copy then went into a huff. NEVER had this problem with Verbatim DVD-R's.

    I really think its the Fuji Disc Media. Will know a lot more in the week to come when i buy a bundle or Verbatim DVD-R.

    Could it simply come down to a make or dvd and not its format or the process to burn it? We shall see.
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @renard -

    if it's Nero 6, let's have LAST section of your Nero log which lives in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log but DO NOT post your serial number which usually begins with '1A21' or similar.

    if it's Nero 7, let's have LAST section of your Nero log which lives in C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroHistory but DO NOT post your serial number which usually begins with '5C80' or similar.

    either way, You can differentiate sections via this section divider "====== *** Nero-Burning Rom, History File *** ======"
  12. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    @ shezzy999:

    would you like it on a silver platter as well, how about you explore this website a bit and if you cant find it then post your question or better yet pm me via my shoutbox and i'll start you off on your journey
  13. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    @ creaky

    Hi guys,

    Creaky, My Nero is Nero Vision Express 2. It came with my liteon dvd burner about two years back so I doubt it's any use for dealing with file conversions. But many thanks. If you have any idea how to take an actual dvd and convert it to avi or mpeg that would be great. I am currenty putting music to a students short film (about five minutes long) and would love to be able to stick the film into one of my video editors and put the music with it. I can do that with avi or mpeg files but not an actual dvd so far. Any Ideas?

  14. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    mpeg is the actual dvd format, so what mpeg format were you after
  15. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    I managed to take a dvd last night and convert it into mpeg2. I used an editing program called Power Director. It was a cinch in the end. It gives you the choice, when your movie project is ready to produce in many formats like avi, mpeg1 or mpeg2 and others.

    Would recomend this product as it has many useful tools apart from being a user friendly editing program.
  16. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    thats really good.Do you by chance have a link or a software description that you would like to share with all
  17. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    HI Andmerr,

    Yes the software is made by a company called cyberlink. You can see their site and products at They have many products but the one I use is power director version 3.0 They have a newer version of it now. I paid for this program after downloading the trial verison of it.

    I'm loathe to endorse companies but i have found it to be a very useful product.

  18. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    isnt power producer etc part of that suite.I sort of know this app, i sent darthnip an actual original disc with serial as a try.Funny he hasnt mentioned using it................
  19. renard

    renard Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Yes power producer is made by the same people although I have never tried it. Right now I am making a video file into mpeg-2 to be burned onto a blank dvd+r.

    I'm using Fuji Blank dvd+r's and have used up 20 of them already with failed attempts. I put it in my stand alone dvd player and it says..loading...stopped.

    Never had this sort of problem with Verbatimm dvd-r. Could simply come down to a bad batch of blank dvd's or maybe the product in general is just lousy.

    lets see what happens with this attempt using power director as a converter from avi to mpg-2

  20. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    are you sure your dvd player supports both +/- discs

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