Hey, I've got a couple old computers (not really that old, i just have newer now) and I wanted to turn my best one into a dedicated server for games (just Minecraft right now). I don't even really know where to begin, googled it and didnt get anything helpful, so I come to you guys. I have a great internet connection too thats hardly used too.
as of now its like Windows 7 (32bit), 500gb HD, GeForce 8600GT, an AMD dual core 4200+ processor, and 2GB of DDR2 3200 RAM. also has a seperate network card that works too. Will this setup even work for it?
should work pretty good what kind of connection do you get? also wouldnt hurt updating ram i seen some 3200 sticks on new egg at 533 mhz for about 25 and what nic do you have what is the speed
Ya I think I actually have another 2GB of that ram in another computer i have laying around here - and there are 2 more slots free on the motherboard for it as for the connection: 14.43MB/S download and 0.5 MB/S upload
obdo, what rogers internet package are you using as i'm at lite speed? live just south of barrie which is north of you.
for a gamming server your upload is a bit slow.. that is what is pretty important... since you are uploading images to others.. so you will be lagging to other people... i would upgrade your package to u have atleast a 1.5mb or more upload...
it would also help if you were on a low contention ratio aswell as ms last package was 2mg down and 2mg up 1-1 ratio which was much better than my 30mg down and 3mg up not sure what my ratio is here at the mom
I'm only looking for a small, almost-personal server for me and some friends - a 10 player cap pretty much. Would my connection really be that bad for that? As far as I know Rogers can't give me a better upload speed, i've upgraded my conection a couple times and its always been the same. (and I don't want to spend money on some ridiculous "super upload pack"). Or what about having it as a dedicated lan server? That would be a decent possibility for me too. Again it would be for <10 people.
if it were at your home ( lan partys) that would be fine.. but even if its your next door neighbor,, it still has to travel from you, to your isp, then back to your neighbor. remember cable is not like dsl, dsl is a dedicated line. basically just you. were cable u share your line with ALOT of other people so even tho you upload and download is good that can change in a minute. depending on whos all online doing what at the time. etc...