I am a beta tester for MS Vista, and had been using DVDSanta as my choice of software for conversion, as it is easy to use, but our latest builds of Vista will not install DSanta. Are there any suggestions in here on what is a good, simple software for conversion to use in Vista? I really need something quick, as I am starting to run out of room on my external h/d, and really need to get some of my movies converted to dvd fast. Thanks Alli
Hello. ConvertXtoDVD is widely used around here. I have no idea whether it works with Vista or not. Other conversion programs with free trials include these: VSO's ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ DVD Copy 5 Platinum: http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp TMPGEnc Express 3: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/te3xp.html DVD Santa: http://www.dvdsanta.com/ The Film Machine: http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/ NeroVision: http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html ConvertX watermarks in the trial version as does DVD Santa.
Yes, I downloaded ConvertXtoDVD, and it works great with Vista. Thanks for responding to my post. Have a good day. Alli