I have some video saved as an AVI file, but the footage is 90 degrees off. i.e., the subjects are 'on their side. With Windows Movie Maker, I can rotate the footage to the correct orientation, but need assistance to convert AVI to something the WMV understands
Quite honestly it sounds like your problem isn't with windows media, it sounds like a codec issue. With codec problems I've seen everything from inverted colors, to inverted and rotated screens and about everything in between. Most likely what you have is a video made using one version of a particular codec and you have another version on your computer. To check this you can download Gspot from here http://www.headbands.com/gspot/v26x/gspot260dl.html and it will show you the necissary codec, usually including version, as well as if it's installed on your system. Make sure you have the correct version for your files and if not update.
Problem is resolved. I got hold of WinAVI video converter, and within minutes, I had a file that was recognised by Win Movie maker. Once I did the import. I was able to turn the video to the correct orentation. Thanks for your comments