This may be a not very popular or common question. But I am looking for programs that may take me from Quicktime Reference files to files I can use to make DVDs from. I am using Avid Xpress Pro to edit some documentaries and, for now, exporting to make DVDs from it. In the past I used Canopus Procoder 2, but since I upgraded my computer from AMD socket A onto an A64 754 system, and after a short time of quick results on the new system, things got even slower. By slow I mean it says it will need 50 hours to convert the 20 minute files! So I tried a different route, using Sorenson Squeeze, which does things faster (8 hours or so), but I still think it should be faster. Does anyone know of programs that do such conversions?
A program that I recently acquired is called WinAvi Converter. It's a great program that converts all types of video files. I do recommend it. Give it a look see and see if it is what you want.
Thanks for your suggestion. The programs looks quite interesting. But it only lists Winavi as compatible with QT movie, which is not the same as QT Reference. The latter demands a program that can read Avid files, because it converts from the original files that Avid had captured.
I use Nero vision 4 to convert Quicktime MOV files to DVD. Chris Edit take a peek here and seeif this helps.
@carlmart I got the program and it does the following *WMV *Real Meadia *DVD *AVI These are the types of files it converts too and recognises. if you have one of these and are trying to convert to another that this program recognises give it a shot
As I said, unfortunately QT Reference is nos listed as something it recognizes. In any case Sorenson Squeeze has been doing things better.
But you said you want to convert .mov to DVD.Does the .mov file is video format? And winavi said that,if Windows WMP can play the video file,winavi can convert it. If like this,maybe you can have a try:
You are right. I should have been more specific. There are two QT file types, and they are both called .mov. But they are different. The mov files I talk about are QT Reference. The file itself it's very small and it only guides the converting program onto the original Avid files, so it can make the conversion from them. The other type is called QT Movie and it's self-contained. Perhaps you can get to similar quality, but the setup is much longer and I couldn't get the quality I got from the QT Reference. Winavi does not read QT Reference, only QT Movie.