Converting iTunes to MP3 for us that don't own an iPod

Discussion in 'Audio' started by buxton, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Can it be done? I have something called JHymn but that doesn't work with iTunes6 (anyone know where I can get old versions from?). And I can't be arsed burning to CD and then ripping the CD back to MP3 as I only have individual songs and not full CD's.

    This is what you get for buying music instead of getting it off Limewire etc etc they screw you over with pointless protection - do they have any morals - take your cash and give you a product that is useless unless you have an iPod.

    Only bought three tunes so far - unless I can fathom a way to get them in a format I can put on my Zen Micro then Apple wont be be getting any more out of me.

    If this is the future of music then it is a disaster from day one - the only advantage I can see is the space saved by not having CD's around the place and you can have it there and then as opposed to 48 hours through the post. Big deal.

    Is that worth trading in being able to convert that CD to any format at your desired bit rate?

    NOTE: There is also a prog called iRevolt that wil lremove the DRM but the site is down so if anyone knows where that is downloadable.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2006
  2. Akya2120

    Akya2120 Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    wait why cant you burn them to a cd? if you just get a re-write able disc and dont close it you can use it over and over again, but if you dont want to do that then... what type of media files are they so that you can search for a program that can convert them or you could just send a email to apple they might have an idea
  3. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Call me lazy - I can't be bothered burning to CD and then ripping back to MP3 - too time consuming. And I am not burning to CD's as a permanent semi permanent solution as that defeats the point of downloading them - may as well buy the CD and rip it myself.

    All iTunes are DRM protected MP4 - and so you can't convert them without removing that protection - if you have an iPod this isn't an issue - but I don't and have no plans to get one.

    I have no CD in my car - I plug my Zen Micro into the stereo so I need them in MP3 format.

    At the end of the day I have paid for these tracks - I own them - and they are worthless sitting on a PC. I knew about the protection crap but i didn't think it would be this much hassle to get around. Thank God I have only bought a three or four tracks so far - I would hate to have bought loads of full albums.

    This crap is one more step in the direction of consumers having no rights. Next thing it will be illegal to have them on a portable player full stop. I don't know why the entertainment industry don't just introduce a tax system - that way they can take money off my wage each month and give me nothing in return - at least they would finally be satisfied!

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